In line with the second goal of Zero Hunger, Biosabor seeks to promote the use of organic agriculture and optimization techniques for the achievement of sufficient, healthy and sustainable food production. Specifically, in our day to day we apply Target 2.4 (related to Business Action BA1), supporting our farmers to increase their yields and incomes through sustainable agriculture.
Organic production techniques, crop planning, and matching production quantities and volumes to the client are some of the ways we use to carry out our contribution to this goal and action, together with advisory services and technical support to farmers.
Regarding the elimination of food waste, we offer our support for Target 2.1 (BA3), to eliminate food waste and loss: through the control of our value chain, through sustainable waste recycling, and through product donations to food banks.
With the use of organic farming techniques which eliminate pesticides and toxic materials from crops and products, we improve the health of our customers and employees through our products, services and business models, supporting Business Action BA2.
Biosabor has a self-consumption packaging center where 7% of annual consumption is self-generated. As of the growing season 2020, all contracted energy has a photovoltaic origin, so that 100% of the energy consumed by the company comes from renewable sources, in response to Target 7.2 and Business Action BA1.
We have significantly increased energy efficiency, and we have met remaining energy needs from renewable sources. We promote the same action throughout our supply chain.
Biosabor has a self-consumption packaging center where 7% of annual consumption is self-generated. As of the growing season 2020, all contracted energy has a photovoltaic origin, so that 100% of the energy consumed by the company comes from renewable sources, in response to Target 7.2 and Business Action BA1.
We have significantly increased energy efficiency, and we have met remaining energy needs from renewable sources. We promote the same action throughout our supply chain.
Agriculture is a labor-intensive activity, providing a large amount of employment in harvest periods. At Biosabor we invest specifically in innovation and research into sustainable agriculture techniques and technologies that promote crop productivity and quality, supporting Target 8.2. Likewise, with the development of sustainable cultivation techniques, we not only avoid the deterioration of the environment, but also improve it, thus contributing to Target 8.4.
With the development of innovative and sustainable production processes, such as organic farming techniques that we constantly update, we constantly upgrade our infrastructure to make it sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes. (Target 9.4)
At Biosabor we invest heavily in innovation for the continuous improvement of our cultivation techniques. An example of this is our experimental farms, with which we support the goal of increasing scientific research and research workers in all countries. (Target 9.5) This research, together with the optimization of water and energy expenditure, is key to updating and modernizing our infrastructure and assets in the agricultural industry and supply chain to keep them resilient and sustainable. (BA4)
We contribute directly to target 12.2 with our cultivation techniques that optimize water use and soil care. A commercial model based on ecology, the optimized balance between quantities produced and contracted sales, plus the management and reuse of surpluses and waste, these three elements achieve the business action BA1 to design and adopt a circular and responsible business model.
Furthermore, in our value chain we contemplate the entire life cycle of products, working to minimize and re-use waste as far as possible, with special emphasis on food waste which we have reduced to minimum levels, thus supporting Targets 12.3 and 12.5. Our iniciatives for the reuse of surpluses, together with the reduction of plastics and tetrapacks, are aligned with business action BA3: Switch to a portfolio of goods and services that require and promote an significantly reduced use of resources producing minimal waste.
Biosabor’s organic agriculture takes into account the impact on the environment. With this we actively collaborate to reduce negative outputs of farming activity in the environment and to increase positive outputs.
Thus, the most important way in which we have worked in this regard has been the use of greenhouses for cultivation. Greenhouses function as reflectors of solar radiation and CO2 sinks. The second way has been the energy efficiency of our packaging facilities, which are designed to optimize energy consumption with photovoltaic energy production. It is our way of working aligned with the business action BA1: Ensure the climate resilience of the company’s operations, the supply chain, and the communities that surround it; and also BA3: Switch to a portfolio of goods and services that have and promote negligible emissions from their use.
We intend not only to minimize our impact on the earth’s ecosystems, but also to develop the natural habitats around Almería, in line with Target 15.1. Amongst other ways, we do this through the biological control of pests, whereby we introduce various native species that allow the management of pests and diseases, and benefit the maintenance of local flora and fauna.
All this facilitates the achievement of business actions BA1: Implement policies and practices to protect natural ecosystems that are affected by business and supply chain activities, and BA2: Research, develop and deploy products, services and business models to help separate economic activity from the degradation of natural ecosystems.