Our commitment to the community is reflected not just in our care for the products we offer and our concern for employees and collaborators, but also in the social action activities we sponsor on national and international levels.
Our commitment to the community is reflected not just in our care for the products we offer and our concern for employees and collaborators, but also in the social action activities we sponsor on national and international levels.
The farm project in Senegal, Sabor Senegal, exemplifies how we try to fight poverty. Through this company, we have provided a source of income to an area where they barely existed, in addition to providing infrastructure for transportation and for obtaining running water in the towns adjoining the farm. As well as improving the poverty situation of the people in the area, we are supporting goal 1.4.
With regard to Target 2.1, from Biosabor we donate to food banks a portion of the fruit and vegetable products that are not sold or processed by us
At Biosabor we cannot conceive of our activity without taking into account its role in the health levels of the population. For this reason, our involvement in the community is totally linked to encouraging food as part of people’s well-being, along with sports. It is these two axes, food and sport, that guide our philanthropic, collaborative and sponsoring work. With this strategic line we are once again contributing to goal 3.4.
Our Sabor Senegal project has made it possible to bring running water to Fandène, a Senegalese town that lacked the infrastructure to make this resource available. With this we are supporting goals 6.1 and 6.4.
With the Sabor Senegal project, we are also supporting the creation of decent employment in a labor-intensive sector. We thus support goal 8.5 and business action AE3: Create decent and formal jobs in labor-intensive sectors, especially in developing countries.
The installation of the farm in the Sabor Senegal project meant improving the infrastructures of the area, building roads and establishing a water supply network that has benefited the inhabitants of the surrounding villages. In this way we support Target 9.1.
At Biosabor we contribute in different ways to achieving Target 10.2, first with our Equality Plan, then also with the sponsorship of football and basketball teams formed for women, the elderly or people with disabilities; these are minority groups in those sports that usually lack funds to develop their activity.
Our outreach work is largely aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of a diet based on products from ecological and sustainable production sources, which are directly linked to responsible consumption. In this way we support Target 12.8.
Through our partnerships we strengthen our impact on the community. The different organizations with which we work and collaborate expand our field of action to reach more people in more varied ways. We collaborate with all types of entities, diversifying our efforts and results.
Una empresa del sector agro almeriense galardonada por su SOLIDARIDAD La empresa almeriense Biosabor ha sido distinguida con el Premio Solidario ONCE Andalucía 2024 en la categoría de empresas, en
La Voz de Almería 27.6.2024 Esta semana, la comercializadora hortofrutícola almeriense Biosabor puede morir de éxito. Al entorchado que recibirá el viernes del Colegio de Economistas su directora general María
La agricultura supone el 40% del producto interior bruto y emplea a 100.000 personas. El futuro del sector, y por tanto de la provincia, pasa por la sostenibilidad ESG (ambiental,
Biosabor ha hecho entrega de los premios del concurso de cortos, lanzado a los centros educativos IES Rio Anradax el Puche de Almería y el IES San Isidro de Níjar, bajo el lema
En el Día Mundial de la concienciación sobre la importancia del control de plagas, desde Biosabor queremos reafirmar nuestro compromiso con la calidad y sanidad de nuestros cultivos. Nuestro objetivo